What Is My Nourishment Philosophy?
I don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all diet.
“You are not a machine. You are more like a garden. You need different things on different days. A little sun today, a little less water tomorrow. You have fallow and fruitful seasons. It is not a design flaw. It is wiser than perpetual sameness. What does your garden need today?”
What I do as an herbalist, nutritional therapist & certified Eating Psychology coach
My training as an Herbalist and Functional Nutritional Therapist has given me a deep knowledge of the science and inter-workings of the physical, biological body and the nutritional nourishments it needs to function and thrive. It has laid the foundation for how I assess my clients’ nourishment needs and helps to determine what type of bioindividual approach will be most supportive for my clients’ challenges.
Additionally, the Eating Psychology Coaching I have been trained in is an exciting and cutting edge approach developed by the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. It effectively addresses weight concerns, binge eating, overeating, body image challenges, and various nutrition related health concerns. My approach is positive and empowering. I don’t see your eating challenges merely as a sign that “something is wrong with you” – but as a place where we can more fully explore some of the personal dimensions in life that impact food, weight and health. Oftentimes, our eating challenges are connected to work, money, relationship, family, intimacy, life stress, and so much more. By working on the places that are most relevant for you, success is more easily achieved. I look to support you with coaching strategies and nutrition principles that are nourishing, doable, sustainable, and that yield results.
In IPE's internationally acclaimed program, where I received my certification in Mind Body Nutrition and Dynamic Eating Psychology, I learned powerful cutting-edge tools and protocols that enable me to work with weight issues, body image challenges, overeating, binge eating, and a variety of nutrition related health concerns, such as digestion, fatigue, mood, immunity, and others. My work combines the powerful fields of Dynamic Eating Psychology and Mind Body Nutrition. The skills I use from this Training are a combination of practical coaching techniques, results-oriented psychology, clinical nutrition, body-centered practices, mind body science, and a positive and compassionate approach to challenges with food and health.
What is mind body nutrition?
Mind Body Nutrition is an exciting and timely new field that advances the practice of clinical nutrition by exploring the psychophysiology of how thoughts, feelings and beliefs impact nutritional metabolism and health. Originated by Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, it goes far beyond classical nutrition by focusing on the fascinating connections between brain, body, and behavior. Simply put, what we eat is only half of the story of good nutrition. The other half is who we are as eaters. Mind Body Nutrition reveals how stress physiology, the relaxation response, breathing, awareness, pleasure, meal timing, and much more profoundly influence digestion and calorie burning. And it offers practical and results-oriented strategies for the most commonly seen eating challenges and health issues of our times.
What is Dynamic Eating Psychology?
Dynamic Eating Psychology is an important new field originated by Marc David, Founder of the Institute for the Psychology of Eating. It’s a positive, empowering, and transformational approach that’s designed for anyone who eats. Each of us has a unique, fascinating, and ever changing relationship with food. Dynamic Eating Psychology affirms the primary importance of this relationship. It sees our challenges with eating, weight, and health not as an indication that we’re broken, but as a beautiful opportunity to grow and evolve. Previously, eating psychology has been limited to those with clinical eating disorders. Dynamic Eating Psychology, though, is for everyone. It affirms that our relationship with food has important lessons to teach us if we choose to listen. And it recognizes that our challenges with eating, weight, and health are intimately connected to other primary life dimensions – relationship, family, work, sexuality, our search for meaning and fulfillment, and so much more. Dynamic Eating Psychology is a powerful breakthrough approach. it goes far beyond classical nutrition by focusing on the fascinating connections between brain, body, and behavior. Simply put, what we eat is only half of the story of good nutrition. The other half is who we are as eaters. Mind Body Nutrition reveals how stress physiology, the relaxation response, breathing, awareness, pleasure, meal timing, and much more profoundly influence digestion and calorie burning. And it offers practical and results-oriented strategies for the most commonly seen eating challenges and health issues of our times.
How Is My Approach Different?
For far too long, we’ve been inundated by negative messages about food, weight, and diet. We’ve been told that we’re willpower weaklings or that we need more control. The majority of nutrition experts promote conflicting advice. The result is people are confused about what to eat, and how to have a happy relationship with food and a healthy metabolism. In my professional practice, I combine many of the best strategies from nutrition science and eating psychology. By eliminating all the “shoulds and shouldn’ts”, I focus on what’s right for your body and your personal style. As we work together in this way, eating and health issues become a place of exploration. Instead of seeing such challenges as the enemy, they become opportunities for growth and self-improvement. In my trainings at Columbines School of Botanical Studies, Nutritional Therapy Association, and the Institute for the Psychology of Eating, I’ve learned to help clients reach their highest goals not by strategies that punish, but through strategies that nourish.
I believe in the concept of bio-individuality – meaning each person is individually unique with unique responses and needs. What works for me might not work for you, and something entirely different might work for your spouse, friend or colleague. That’s why most diets will work for some people and not for others. I don’t believe in counting calories, grams, ounces, etc. It’s not something I’d be willing to do myself, and I’d never ask clients to do things that I wouldn’t do. Additionally, your health cannot solely be determined on a mere calories-in equals calories-out mentality. I believe in quality over quantity, and in the case of food, my focus is always on quality.
I believe that our bodies never lie and never deceive us. If your body is asking for something (through a craving, through a health complaint, through all the different ways our bodies communicate to us), then our job together is to figure out what your body is asking for and learn how to respond appropriately. This is not to say that this signaling and communication can't get confusing, but as your Herbal Nutritional Therapist & Mind Body Eating Psychology Coach one of my jobs is to sort out this confusion and re-establish trust in this communication between you and your body. While I don’t believe that one diet works for everyone, I do believe that we need to prioritize nutrient-dense, whole foods that have been properly-prepared as much as possible. By that I mean we need to be eating real food, as close to the form it was originally grown/raised in, and be preparing our food in a way that preserves or even enhances the nutritional value of the food. Again, as much as is doable and sustainable for you. So many of the ways we prepare food (or food is prepared for us) kills or diminishes the nutrients within the food. I’m not saying you should eat only raw and/or whole foods, but I do believe that we can prepare foods in such a way as to make the absolute most of it. And the nice part of this is that most of the time this preparation is fast and quite simple.
what to expect in 1:1 intuitive Nourishment Coaching
In your individualized consultations, we will look at how your body is using the food you’re eating. You can be eating the most perfect, pristine nourishment out there, but if you’re not digesting your foods properly or absorbing their nutrients fully, then you’ll necessarily need to eat more to get the same nutritional value. We will also look at the bigger context of your life and how that affects what, how, and when you eat and how you relate with your mind and body. You are obviously much more than what you eat and that can have a very big impact on how your body deals with your food. If you’re eating while you’re really stressed, your body is going to use that food very differently than if you’re eating in a nice, calm, relaxed state. So we’ll take these additional components into account as well when diving into your nourishment needs.
If your protocol requires any limitation or elimination of certain foods for a time of experimentation, you will be provided with viable alternatives so your nutritional needs will be optimally maintained. If necessary, quality supplementation with vitamins, herbs, and minerals may be recommended to help alleviate symptoms and promote the optimization of your nutritional status. Keep this in mind, but my go-to recommendations will always be include nourishing and therapeutic foods and culinary herbs.
“Health is a state of complete harmony of the body, mind and spirit. When one is free from physical disabilities and mental distractions, the gates of the soul open.” ”
Empower Your Health & Healing
It is truly astounding - yet not all together surprising - how beautifully Herbal Mind Body Nutrition can nourish every aspect of your health.
challenges that BENEFIT from HERBAL NUTRITION
Digestive Dysfunctions such as diarrhea, constipation, IBS, acid reflux/GERDs, bloating, gas, diverticulitis, leaky gut, food allergies/sensitivities, etc.
Autoimmune Conditions such as hypo/hyper thyroid leading to autoimmunity, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, type I diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, etc.
Blood Sugar Dysregulation such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome, type II diabetes, excessive stress, sugar cravings, etc.
Weight Imbalances such as inability to gain/lose weight for happy body weight balancing, diabetes, sugar cravings, blood sugar imbalances, etc.
Hormonal Imbalances such as PCOS, PMS, thyroid issues, infertility, menopause, endometriosis, cystitis, decreased libido, mood swings, irregular menses, etc.
Mental Health Issues such as depression, anxiety, fatigue, ADD, ADHD, autism, eating disorders, dementia, mood disorders, inability to focus, brain fog, etc.
Cardiovascular Health Issues such as high blood pressure, elevated and/or imbalanced cholesterol, elevated triglycerides, metabolic syndrome, etc.
Skin Conditions such as eczema, acne, rosacea, psoriasis, dry/peeling skin, hives, dandruff, dermatographic uriticaria, etc.
challenges that BENEFIT from MIND BODY NUTRITION
Emotional Eating
Digestive Irregularities
Restricted Eating
Weight Issues
Body Image Challenges
Fatigue & Emotional Depletion
Low/High Appetite
Binge Eating
Mood Swings
Obsessive Food Tracking
Low Immunity
“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”
What is it & how does it work?
Nutrition: the process and scientific study of providing or obtaining the food necessary for health and growth.
Therapy: a remedy intended to relieve or heal a disorder.
“The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition.”
Nutritional Therapy is a powerful evidence-based approach that maximizes a person's potential for vibrant health. This is made possible through the personalized formulation of nutritional and lifestyle protocols tailored to an individual's unique needs and requirements.
Rather than assessing each symptom or health concern of an individual on its own, Nutritional Therapy views the body as a whole, beautifully complex marriage of systems - and as such, a primary component of Nutritional Therapy is to delve deeply into the root causation of these concerning symptoms and assist in a person's healing by nourishing the root foundations of health.
Nutritional Therapy promotes the use and benefits of whole, unprocessed, nutrient-dense foods, traditional methods of food preparation, and the therapeutic actions of particular foods for specific health concerns.. Through the use of in-depth interviews, questionnaires, food journal assessments, functional evaluations and lab tests as necessary, a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner investigates and determines what a person's bio-individual needs are, and subsequently makes dietary, lifestyle, and quality supplement recommendations that are specific and personalized for the individual (you).
Not sure if Nutritional Therapy is right for you? To this I say… how could it not be?
Nutritional Therapy is inherently suitable for everyone, no matter your age, sex, race, genetics or complex medical history. Nutritional Therapy can assist in alleviating pesky symptoms of dis-ease, supporting inherent bodily functions and improving your current health status by giving your body a refreshing boost. You have been provided with a beautiful body full of complexities for this life - so why not support yourself with the tools and nutrients necessary to live with vitality and vibrance?
What I do as an herbalist
Herbalist: One who grows, collects, or specializes in the use of herbs, especially medicinal herbs; one who is skilled in the knowledge of plants and their uses.
Herbal Medicine: the study or use of medicinal herbs to prevent and remedy diseases and ailments or to promote health and healing; the business of growing, collecting, and distributing herbal products.
“Often, people take herbal medicines for a physical response, but what they find is that the body also responds in an emotional way to the plant medicine that they’re taking.”
Herbal Nutritional Therapy is a powerful (and empowering) process of establishing communication between you and your body through whole, nutrient-dense nourishment.
Herbs are incredible synergistic adjuncts as they tend to be more gentle and therapeutic to our bodies than a lot of synthesized medications. Don’t get me wrong, there is a time and a place for medication use – and I am no doctor – so herbals should not be misconstrued as alternatives to medications when medications are necessary for your health concerns. However, it is also equally important to recognize when this necessity exists and when it doesn’t. Therefore, understanding more about all of the amazing attributes of herbs can be an incredible way to support your personal health – and I have found them to be invaluable in my personal health as well the health of my friends, family and clients.
I began dabbling in herbal lore at the ripe young age of 12 years old after a childhood of thriving in outdoor environments. At the time, I was exploring my inner-witch and began obsessively reading and studying herbal folklore and spiritual aspects of the plant world. As I grew older and my interests evolved, I continued my explorations into the herbal realm, but with perhaps a less zealous focus as I did not realize my fascination with the herbal realm could manifest into a potential career path. Yet with my experience in the organic chemistry labs in college, I found myself invigorated to return to my dream of building my own “herbal alchemy practice” through herbal crafting – making homemade herb-infused oils, salves, tinctures, and balms – and understanding herbal uses for nourishment for both myself and family members. And I quickly discovered that herbs are POWERFUL and multi-faceted, and I knew enough to realize that I needed some guidance before diving in to their in-depth uses and applications.
I began my professional herbal training at the same time as my nutritional training, so my nutritional therapy philosophy and work has always melded the two modalities. As a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner I know the power of whole and nutrient-dense foods – that’s one of the foundations of my philosophy! And as such, I found that many people may be missing out on a whole brilliant world of nutrient-dense adjuncts if you’re lacking the knowledge of how to utilize herbal botanicals for your health, because let me tell you – we are hard pressed to find remedies that are more synergistic & bioavailable to our human bodies than herbal botanicals!
begin your intuitive nourishment journey
It’s time to prioritize YOU and give yourself the gift of fulfilled and nourished living.
The blend of Herbal Nutritional Therapy with Mind Body Eating Psychology is a powerful combination that can have far-reaching benefits for your life and the relationships you have with your health, food and body.
Are you ready?
It must be noted that as a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, Herbalist, and Mind Body Eating Psychology Coach, I am not a substitute for your Primary Care Physician and I therefore do not diagnose or treat illness and disease - rather, I counsel and coach individuals through nutritional and lifestyle recommendations that will be foundationally supportive to their health and well-being. The support I offer complements conventional medicine and I'll often work in conjunction with your medical provider as warranted by your therapeutic needs and protocol.