Revive Your Health & Thrive HTMA will transform your life!
Energy and motivation for the things you love!
More mental clarity and ability to focus on your to-do list!
Improved ability to handle and navigate life’s stressors!
Increased grounding and reduction in fears and anxieties!
Improved menstrual moon cycles & circadian rhythms!
Build hair and nail strength, growth & overall health!
Improve your sexual health and boost your libido!
And SO much more!
Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) What is it & why is it helpful?
““[HTMA] may be the most important health test that exists… Only when you and your doctor know for sure your mineral status and important ratios can you adapt your diet, minerals and supplements to work toward proper balance.” ”
Hair Tissue mineral analysis is like a unique personal blueprint of your health.
It is a sophisticated screening tool that highlights key indicators of how mineral imbalances may be contributing to a wide range of health concerns and conditions - by utilizing the information from the HTMA blueprint, it is possible to design an informed and targeted nutritional program that best supports your unique bioindividuality.
This is why the one-size-fits-all diet mentality doesn’t work because each of us has our own beautifully orchestrated blueprint of unique needs and requirements - and an HTMA can help provide the hard evidence and insight into your unique biochemistry and can inform creation of the most supportive nutritional program for you at this time.
Conditions Influenced by Mineral Imbalances
Fatigue & Adrenal dysfunctions
Thyroid dysfunctions
Weight imbalances
Anxiety & Depression
Hormonal imbalances
Blood Sugar dysregulation
Inability to cope with stress
Digestive dysfunctions
Liver & Kidney dysfunctions
Menstrual irregularities
Mental Health imbalances
Cardiovascular diseases
It is estimated that mineral imbalances (deficiencies and excesses) may be underlying contributing factors for 80-90% of all health issues.
Mineral imbalances may be a HUGE piece of your missing health puzzle! Investing in a bioindividual herbal nutrition program that utilizes Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis is a valuable choice that will help you to investigate the root causes of your health dysfunctions and revive your health and life so you can thrive.
“The part can never be well unless the whole is well.”
Minerals Needs
HTMA provides the visual blueprint for identifying what your current individual mineral levels are - and how they balance with your other minerals at this time. Every mineral co-functions with other minerals in some fashion to support vital biochemical functions. HTMA gives you the tools to assess how your minerals are - or are not - working together, and how they can be best supported to function harmoniously to revive your health and vitality.
Nutritional Needs
Ever wondered how your metabolism influences your health? HTMA gives you the visual blueprint so you can focus on the best foods for supporting your current metabolic rate and providing essential minerals that may be currently imbalanced. This valuable information helps to guide and specify your herbal nutritional program recommendations and protocols while also providing a way to monitor your nutritional processing over time with repeated testing.
Detox Needs
“Detox” is a common term - yet it is commonly not well-known how the body detoxes or how this process can best be supported. The body has an inherent intelligence to detox, but our macro/micronutrient intake influences the body’s ability to efficiently and effectively remove wastes and toxic substances. HTMA provides insight into how your body is processing toxicity and helps to monitor detoxification.
Mental HealTh
Supporting mental health is a vital aspect of manifesting whole body well being. As such you may not be aware of how much of a role minerals play in how you think and feel. Mineral deficiencies and heavy metal toxicities are commonly connected as a contributor of mental health disorders such as depression, anxiety, hyperactivity and other mood disorders. HTMA provides you with the information to recognize if these imbalances are contributing to the why and how of the way you might be feeling and thinking.
Thyroid & Adrenal Health
It is vitally important to support your hormones and hormonal balancing - these are your chemical messengers and the way your body communicates! Yet you may not realize that your hormonal function is dependent upon your cellular ability to receive hormones when they come knocking. HTMA gives you a picture of how inviting your cells currently are (or are not) towards hormone entry and gives you the information you need so you can take action and bolster this communication.
Sign up for 1:1 Nourishment coaching & inquire about what an HTMA can do for you!
It must be noted that as a Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, I am not a substitute for your Primary Care Physician and I therefore do not diagnose or treat illness and disease - rather, I counsel and coach individuals through nutritional and lifestyle recommendations that will be foundationally supportive to their health and well-being. The support I offer complements conventional medicine and I'll often work in conjunction with your medical provider as warranted by your therapeutic needs and protocol.