Nutritional Therapy Practitioner ~ Herbalist ~ Health Coach

Nutritional Therapy Practitioner ~ Herbalist ~ Health Coach

Hi, I’m Sierra.

I empower women to navigate diet culture, digestion, and hormone confusion and nourish a harmonious food relationship so they can manifest radiant health and a life that nourishes their mind, body and soul.


I am passionate about the importance of health and wellness for your body, mind, and spirit as a whole. My intention is to offer you and our community comprehensive services with compassion and personalized care that address each of you as a bio-individual by supporting all of your unique needs and requirements. By nurturing your foundational nutritive roots of health with whole body and lifestyle nourishment, you can establish a balanced and sustainable lifestyle to optimally manage stress, improve energy and motivation, prevent disease, nurture your mental health and food relationship, find and maintain your happy weight, and promote vibrant living.

Are you ready for your best and most vibrant self?


SErvices & Programs

Ready to take the next step? Learn how your health can be supported with my functional herbal nutritional therapy and health coaching services and programs.


AbouT Me

Find out about me,
my passions, my approaches, and how I can support you.